Terms & Conditions
& Privacy Policy
THE PEOPLE’S BRANCH (TPB): TPB is not a government body, yet. TPB is a conceptual gift to the American People, acceptable once awakened, willing and able to stand up and help take back our USA. TPB will be instituted by our proposed “USA Constitution” when ratified.
USA Founding Patriots (USA-FPs): USA-FPs are a growing association of patriotic Americans who are tired of the treasonous sabotage of our USA by the ‘New World Order’ and its ‘Deep State’ and who are banding together to take them on, take them down, and purge them from our USA, which will only be possible via TPB and with the support of millions of TPB Volunteers.
Pro Se Alliance (PSA): PSA is a nonprofit organization dedicated to ensuring justice for self-represented (‘pro se’) Americans. PSA will manage the offices of TPB and USA-FPs until established.
Mission & Vision in a Nutshell: Our mission is to take back our USA—our country, our freedoms, our economy, our way of life, our ‘American Dream,’ and so on—with pen and paper and without violence, restore everything that once made our USA great, and bring all traitors to justice. Our vision of our new USA includes perpetual individualized freedoms for all Americans, strong families and local communities via self- and local-governance, and very limited but very efficient state and national governments.
This “Agreement” is between TPB, USA-FPs and PSA—including volunteers, directors, officers, agents, associates, affiliates, and so on, herein designated as “us,” “we,” “our,” and so on, and You—as website visitor, user, learner, purchaser, donor, volunteer, victim, whistleblower, and so on, herein referred to as “you,” “your,” “yours,” and so on.
This Agreement’s simple terms and conditions govern usage of our websites, donations, volunteering, products, services, purchases and all other interactions with us.
We will NEVER sell, share or grant access to your data; we will instead make every effort possible along the way to encrypt and otherwise safeguard your data from the “Deep State traitors” in our current ‘government,’ their ‘New World Order’ bosses, and their private sector counterparts in our USA and globally.
You likewise agree, while interacting with us, to protect our rights to privacy—yours, ours and said rights of all Americans—from the ‘New World Order’ and their ‘Deep State.’
Like most websites, our websites inherently use ‘cookies’ to enhance your online experience, and our online products and services may be supported or contain links to other companies—such as PayPal, Stripe, WooCommerce, and so on—which will have their own privacy policies and terms to consider as you transact and interact on our sites.
The drafts of our proposed “USA Constitution,” “Mock Docs,” ‘How To’ Guidebooks and other writings are copyrighted; the Author of each writing reserves all rights thereto; and the Author grants the Purchaser exclusive and limited read-only license hereunder.
No part of any founding document or other copyrighted writing—whether purchased in digital or physical form—may be reproduced in any manner, shared by any means, posted on social media or elsewhere online, or otherwise made available for reading or other use by anyone other than the Purchaser without the express consent of the Author. To obtain said consent or to purchase our writings in bulk, please contact us on our Contact page.
Additionally, all rights to the ideas and corresponding phrases “USA Constitution,” “The People’s Branch,” “TPB Founding Patriots,” “USA Founding Patriots,” “Pro Se Alliance,” “Common Lawyer Alliance,” and other obvious copyrights/trademarks, in any title, in any business name, in any website address, in any writing, and in any other endeavor or form or publication, are reserved.
On the other hand, as presented on our websites and in our publications, the concepts of a new constitution, people’s branch of government and other elements of our new USA—as well as our education and encouragement to represent yourself, govern your own affairs, research and exercise your rights under the actual Laws of our Land, opt out of the “governmental racketeering” and outright satanic ‘matrix’ of the ‘New World Order’ and its ‘Deep State,’ nonviolently stand up to the racketeers and traitors in the Deep State’s ‘government,’ and other concepts—are freely given to the American People and may be spread far and wide without permission.
When using our websites, future forums and other online services, you agree to abide by any posted guidelines or rules, which may be modified from time to time without notice.
Because our mature children, and hopefully your mature children, will be encouraged to learn on our websites about our new USA Constitution, about limited government and self-governance, and about the truth of all important matters affecting our USA Nation—so WE THE PEOPLE of our new United States of America (“WTP-USA”) can make informed decisions in the future—we have one hard-and-fast rule that applies to you (and all of us): no profanity and no abusive, pornographic or otherwise obscene written or verbal language, pictures, memes or other mediums on our websites.
And you agree to refrain from using profanity or abusive, pornographic or otherwise obscene written or verbal language, pictures, memes or other mediums on our websites, in your comments, in our forums, or in any other public format on our websites, with the penalty for violation of this term being immediate cancellation of your usage of our websites and services and your disassociation with our efforts, missions and visions.
We greatly appreciate your monetary donations of any size and ensure that 100% of your donations will go directly to our causes.
Online donations will go to PSA to fund our various missions (as you specify). PSA is an a 501(c)(3) public charity, so as long as it matters to you—i.e., as long as you (faultlessly) believe you owe* ‘income taxes’—your contributions are tax-deductible.
* Soon—unless you remain a ‘US Citizen’—you—as a “USA Citizen”—will be forever free of the criminals at the IRS and elsewhere in the Deep State’s ‘government’!
If you prefer to mail your donation or you wish to make a sizable donation, please mail your check or money order to Pro Se Alliance, P.O. Box 301, Madison Lake, MN 56063, or contact us for wiring instructions.
Thanks in advance also for gifts, grants and donations of cars, planes, land, buildings, offices, and any other tangible or intangible assets to aid our causes!
We also thank you in advance for your donations of your time, as our missions, projects and events are rolled out.
Look for Volunteer pages, postings and forms on our websites soon.
If you are an American Patriot and have a verifiable record of patriotism, or you know a true American Patriot, you will be able to request a formal INVITATION from the USA-FPs on our websites soon.
There will be thousands of ways to volunteer—in your local community, countywide, statewide, nationwide and/or even from home—as TPB rolls out across our USA! Many volunteers will become TPB officials! And many volunteers will become entrepreneurs! So take this opportunity-of-a-lifetime and participate as if our lives depend on you!
All purchases in the beginning will be digital, starting with our new USA Constitution.
Soon, physical products will be offered, such as paperback and hardcover Collector’s Editions of each draft and the ratified USA Constitution, USA Citizen ID Cards, along with the gamut of other USA products and services transferred, created and innovated by WTP-USA, under our new laws, into our new free market economy.
Also soon, services will be offered to help WTP-USA transition from ‘US Citizen’ slavery to “USA Citizen” freedom, represent themselves and their families under our new laws, and otherwise self-govern and prosper under our new system.
Purchases may be made in ‘US Dollars’ online (until our new “USA Dollars” arrive) or if you prefer to pay for your purchases by mail, send your check or money order to Pro Se Alliance, P.O. Box 301, Madison Lake, MN 56063; and include your name, shipping address (if physical product), email address (if digital product or service), and telephone number, along with a description of the item(s) you are purchasing.
Domestic and international shipping will be calculated at time of purchase by third-party vendors—see their terms. Shipping terms for affiliate items will be disclosed during checkout. We are not responsible for items damaged during shipping. Our proprietary items (when available) will be shipped within 24-hours of purchase, excluding weekends and holidays; other shipping terms may apply during checkout.
Returns and Refunds:
Returns and refunds of defective merchandise is disclosed during checkout by third-party vendors—see their terms. As one way to fight back against the NWO’s treasonous inflation, we will be selling our wares at rock-bottom, very-affordable prices, so there will be no refunds for e-books, membership fees, or for most other cheaply-priced items unless defective. You may return defective merchandise to us within 14-days of receipt for replacement or refund of the purchase price. Return affiliate items per their terms disclosed during checkout. Refunds of service fees will be as disclosed during checkout.
No Warrantees:
Although we will make every effort to provide accurate information on our writings and other proprietary products, services and other offerings, and will ensure that your purchases are handled and shipped with care, we make no express or implied representations or warrantees that our offerings will be suitable for your particular purpose, our offerings are made ‘as is,’ and your use of your purchases from us are at your sole risk.
Sales Taxes: (under our new laws, when applicable)
When our USA Constitution is ratified, buyers will pay the National and State Sales Taxes into the new “USA Trust” and their State and Local Trusts, and sellers will pay their Sales Taxes into the new USA Trust and their State and Local Trusts.
For example, on a $100.00 sale, the buyer would pay $115.00 and the seller would receive $85.00 (assuming maximum tax rates), the various Trusts would receive their portion of the $30.00 in sales taxes paid, and all tax obligations would be paid-in-full at point of sale—no more ‘income taxes’ withheld from paychecks, no more figuring out deductibility, no more filing ‘income tax returns’ and corporate returns!
Until then, buyers and sellers will soon be able to support their States and Local Communities by voluntarily paying the Sales Taxes, which the USA-FPs will ensure are deposited in the appropriate Trust.
Potential Suppliers:
In the near-future, there will be HUGE opportunities for American Patriots, Printers, Producers, Manufacturers, Inventors and Entrepreneurs to supply, dropship and/or otherwise provide products and services to the masses via TPB & USA-FPs.
If you have a pro-USA product or service or idea, send us an informal letter of intent or preliminary bid proposal with details to Pro Se Alliance, P.O. Box 301, Madison Lake, MN 56063; and include your name, company name, address, direct email address, and direct telephone number. We will respond as soon as possible.
This Agreement is wholly governed under our new USA Constitution and American Common Law tradition, which already exists and will largely replace the ‘legal system.’
In the meantime, this Agreement is solely subject to our original Constitutions for the united States of America (1789) and for Minnesota (1857), American Common Law, and valid laws made in pursuance thereof.
Neither this Agreement nor you nor us will ever be subject to:
1. the ‘Constitution of the [incorporated] UNITED STATES’ (‘US Constitution’);
2. the Constitution of any [incorporated] ‘STATE OF ___’ franchise;
3. any ‘law’ or ‘rule’ or ‘order’ or such made in pursuance of said ‘constitutions’;
4. any ‘legal’ jurisdiction, authority or process outside American Common Law;
5. the ‘Internal Revenue Code’ or any other taxing system; or
6. any other regulation or control under the soon-to-be-defunct ‘legal system.’
Unresolved disputes hereunder will be resolved under American Common Law.
You’ll like doing business with us! We’re good people and we look forward to working with other good people. If you ever have a problem with any product, process, service or other offering, just contact us via our websites and we will make it right.
We do not render ‘legal’ advice. We are happy, though, to pass along “lawful” knowledge and experience as we assist 333 million Americans in transitioning out of the NWO’s tyrannical ‘legal system’ and into individualized freedom and self-governance in our new USA—i.e., in expatriating out of ‘US Citizen’ slavery and repatriating into “USA Citizen” freedom set in stone in our new USA Constitution.
We agree that you have no responsibility to us for liabilities, costs, expenses, losses, and claims arising from our actions on your behalf to reclaim and restore our USA.
You agree that we have no responsibility to you or any other person for liabilities, costs, expenses, losses, and claims arising from your usage of our websites, offerings or information, or from your actions to reclaim and restore your freedoms.
We are not responsible or liable for:
1. the accuracy, usefulness or availability of any information transmitted or made available via our websites or by any other means;
2. any errors or omissions in the information; or
3. any damages, losses or causes of action of any nature arising from your use of the education and information obtained from us.
We and you acknowledge that we will all be breaking new ground as we take on our enemies—both foreign and domestic—and mutually agree to hold each other harmless.
We may amend this Agreement without notice at any time by posting a revised version on our websites. The revised version will be effective on the date posted.
Any online or in-person participation in our missions, projects, events, services or other offerings—as visitor, user, learner, purchaser, donor, volunteer, victim, whistleblower, or in any other capacity—will constitute your acceptance of these terms and conditions.
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Thank You For Your Support!
God Bless Our New USA!